Farlapp passed away October 19, 2021. He lived a great retired life after his jumper and equitation career. His character was always sure and determined.
Locksley Spotlight spotted Holsteiner stallion by Churchill
Former Horses
VicTaurus aka Vicki, 2005 spotted Holsteiner mare by Livingstone
Broadway boogie-woogie Spotted Holsteiner Stallion by Locksley Spotlight - Frascati v. Fasolt
CHINN (deceased) v. Champagne (v. VDL Chin-Chin) out of Frascati v. Fasolt
October Secret, Premium Holsteiner mare by Contender, stam 579
Nyacinthe II, imported KWPN Dutch mare by Indorado - Belfalas -- Ladykiller xx stam 242
L'Zar imported Holsteiner Verband mare by Ladinos
Frascati AHHA Holsteiner mare v. Fasolt - Miss Ree Ree xx (deceased)
Daisy by Caretino - Roman, imported Holsteiner jumper mare (deceased)
B-Cinderella premium Holsteiner Verband mare, stam 5585
Training Journals
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