In the late 90s I was riding an imported Holsteiner mare by Ladinos. She was big, head strong, huge stride and 6 years old with two or more years of training with good professionals (dressage and jumper). As a hunter rider I could not find a bit to soften her from dragging me without brakes. She was difficult to saddle, mount, over reactive to the leg and constantly irritated fussy. Many 6 year olds are not mentally mature but the industry expect them to step up and be competitive nonetheless.
The fussy complications went on for over a year, maybe closer to two years. She was an intended sale horse with no hope in sight. The issues were obviously mental and we needed to find a way to quiet her mind. She had a great jump but her lack of focus was always causing her to make mistakes that then upset her.
I had a horse long before her with different mental issues that in turn caused explosive phycical reactions. So one week left on farm on my own I thought I would give my past approach a try. She knew carrot stretches (left, right, between the front legs into a bow) after being put back in her stall. I added this to tacking up. Each time I pulled the girth, I asked her to tretch for a carrot. Instead of running to edges of the cross ties with her ears pinned and hind leg swinging at me, she was curling her head around to me, standing still and ears up. Normal routine at the mounting block was once my foot was in the stirrup I had to hang on because she was moving off with intention. So rather than actually getting on I just poked at her off side until she reached for a carrot. We did this a few times and I put her away. Next day, same but I got on. A few more stretches with me in the saddle and I got off. Third day, repeat but I stayed on her until she was bored enough to take a long deep breath. The farm was quiet, no other horses working and a gorgeous Fall day. After the deep breath, I got off. This was our weeks work, no physical work.
The following week we were back at it. I tacked up early enough to take my time with her. The difference in her physical reactions were like night and day! She was no longer aggresively irritated by my leg and I could flop the reins to her. Her canter was round and in place. I can remember the first jump that week like it was yesterday. A Jack Russell came racing across our path and she did not change her pace or focus. I could kick her to the base with no reins.
I had to quit riding not long after that. L'Zar retired with me and was always joyous about her carrot stretches. We never won anything special but that connection taught me to always look for the mental approach. Every horse is different but all horses like to know you are connected to their thoughts.
Stam 8874 did not have a long list of successful horses in sport and started with a Vorr mare in 1966. Lazer had strong influence from her two Ladykiller pedigree connections, top and bottom. She also had the high uphill shoulder from Fasolt. You can learn more about mare stams at:
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