B-Cinderella (deceased) v. Corleone - Amre v. Romanow -- Colombo. Bred by: Lothar Voelz, presented by: Harm Thormaehlen, stam 5585, bonits (verband): 8 7 7 6 6 7 7 (48pt State Premium). She is a full sister to the mare Fiona II, dam of Claussen v. Calato - a German team horse. Cinderella was sport tested in Germany.
B-Cinderella was purchased with first priority on her pedigree, type being the bonus. She has produced numerous foals by the stallions: CHINN (2), Caracas (1), Broadway boggie-woogie (3), R-Saluut II (2). The Caracas stallion, Cotilion, is sire to numerous sport horses and passes on his very 'pretty' type. Cloverlone stands two stallions out of B-Cinderella: Captain America (v. Broadway boogie-woogie) and R-Flash Gordon (v. R-Saluut II). Both inherited their sires best qualities with improved body type from B-Cinderella.
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