RS Rainsong Oldenburg Mare by Rosenthal out of Deseree v. Dinard

RS Rainsong Oldenburg mare by Rosenthal

Rainsong, by 2016, 2017 Hunter Breeding Stallion of the Year Rosenthal, was last owned by Melinda and Larry Walton. They purchased her at auction in foal to Charmeur. She produced many lovely foals. The following description of her was in the auction program:

RS Rainsong is by Rosenthal out of a Dinard L - Landino — Pilot dam. She is an elite mare candidate with the German Oldenburg Verband but needs her performance mare testing to finish. She should accomplish this with ease. She produced a premium foal (the GOV inspectors raved about her filly and how perfect she was. They also loved this mare!) and has been bred back to the stunning young Dutch Stallion Charmeur, in early June of 2011. She is also started and going well under saddle. She could go out and probably compete training level within four weeks. She is BOTH a great mom and a fantastic riding horse. She possesses a ten mind (literally doesn't forget her training even after 16 months off to have the foal). She has 3 correct, elastic, powerful, uphill gaits with an unbelievable 10 canter. She has a very sharp, quick hind leg with a great deal of power coming from her strong hind end. At 3 she was being free jumped and cleared not only a 5 foot oxer with ease she also included the 8 foot ground pole! She easily left out the entire one stride and cleared the 5 foot oxer all in one perfectly calm HUGE jump!!! This mare is an incredible athlete who is safe and sane with a fabulous work ethic, she will excel in any discipline. To find a mare like this is the opportunity of a lifetime for someone.

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