Raine, 2001 premium Holsteiner mare by Lord Capital out of Natalii v. Caracas

Raine Holsteiner mare by Lord Capitol - Caracas -- Merano, stam 730b

Raine is a 2001 premium Holsteiner mare by Lord Capital out of Natalii v. Caracas stam 730b. She goes back to the foundation mare Rhea. Raine was Reserve Site Champion at the Winley Farm 2005 AHHA approvals, receiving 47 points, including an 8 for her trot, and premium status. Lord Capitol received a 10 for pedigree, setting a record at that time. Raine has a ground covering gallop and strong foundation Holsteiner skeleton. Ideally she should have a filly to the Cloverlone stallion Quiet Riot!

Raine's dam, Natalii, receieved AHHA Premium mare book with 47 bonits (7 7 6 6 7 7 7) , was AHHA Site Champion Mare (OH) 2002 and RPSI Premium Mare Book with 49 points in 2007.

Grand dam Thalia was imported by Liselott Weindieck's special mares. She was Premium Mare Book with AHHA, site Champion at her approvals and Regional Champion.

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