Qui Dandy Windsor Z is a direct son of Quidam de Revel, one of the world's top jumper sires of all time. Quidam de Revel was the leading sire of the London Olympics in 2012.
Windsor's Qui Dandy is by Quidam de Revel, the most expensive living sire of jumping sport horses. Quidam himself was a jumping phenomenon, member of the French Olympic team earning bronze and fourth individuals in Barcelona.
While many direct sons of Quidam have medium length leg, Qui Dandy Windosr Z takes after his dam's length of leg and produces it! Qui Dandy Windsor Z is siring sporty young horses with hunter worthy movement, good technique and great temperaments.
Dam Crocodile Cassina is by Cassini II out of Florense and was imported by Windsor Farm, Upperville VA. Florense (stam 890) is by the Holsteiner stallion Caretino. Florense is a daughter of Taura who also produced the approved stallions Ringo Starr (v. Ricardo) and Cesano I & II v. Caretino. Taura also produced the international jumper Crocodile Dandy (Alison Firestone) v. Caretino and Conally v. Caretino. This makes Florense a full sister to Cesano I & II, Crocodile Dandy and Conally. Florense's granddam, Maltia, is also the mother of Winja who produced the approved stallions Casaretto v. Calypso I and Capone I & II v. Contender. Taura is also the mother of Kira XVII who produced the approved stallion Casall v. Caretino. Therefor, Florense is half sister to both Winja and Kira XVII, producers of approved stallions.
Stam 890 produces mares who consistently produce approved stallions and international jumpers. Eurocommerce Berlin is by Casinni I out of a Caretino mare. Caretino has proven to be a very successful producer of showjumpers with very good movement. Three of his approved sons are successful as dressage horses. Caretino won his 100 day test and has produced 18 approved sons. Caretino is one of Germany's top stallions, producing horses that excel in both the dressage and jumper rings. From (2001) WBFSH rankings of top jumping sires, he is ranked #5 and is the youngest, at 18 years old, in the top ten. With more than 100 offspring, known for their astonishing movement and jumping ability, in sport, Caretino has 18 approved sons and 114 daughters, of which 12 are German State Premium. Caretino was one of four to be accredited as an approved KWPN stallion without having been presented at the Stallion Show nor evaluated on the constitutional requirements of the KWPN. As a young stallion, Caretino won his 10 0-day test in the Holsteiner Verband with the brilliant scores of 9.0 and 9.5 in jumping and 9.0 in general performance with a total jumping index of 145. Taura, dam of Florense, is by the combination Lord x Raimond. Lord was also champion of his 100 day test and was one of the earliest stallions to be successful in sport. Lord has over 60 approved sons. Raimond is the sire of Ramiro Z who was also successful in sport and needs little introduction.
Conally (v. Caretino u. Taura v. Lord-Raimond-Korenbleem xx) Markus Renzel Corinessa (v. Coriolan u. Nessa v. Raimond-Metellus-Korenbleem xx) Cora Ackermann-Ripke Crocodile Dandy (Vollbruder zu Cesano I u. II) Markus Renzel, Alison Firestone (USA) Feodora (v. Farnese u. Historie v. Marlon xx-Cromwell) Fritz Fervers Frimella (v. Freeman xx u. Bizarre v. Cromwell-Maki I) Alois Pollmann-Schweckhorst
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